Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Help Me Decide: Rachel McAdams Pink Hair: Hot or Not?

While still on the topic of Gwen I the only one that thinks Rachel McAdams is channeling Gwennie circa 1995?


I'm not sure why she'd feel compelled to do such a thing when she looked like this:


She had this to say in an earlier US Magazine interview:

"It’s a compulsion: I’m always changing parts of me," she says. "Even when I was young, I wanted to change my hair color. I was so determined that I dyed my hair with Kool-Aid. You dunk your head in a bowl of red Kool-Aid for four hours, and it comes out apricot. Not that pretty, but it is still transforming."

Help me decide: Rachel's pink hair, hot or not?

(photos via US Magazine)


Sharon said...

Hi there-I don't know why, but I like the new look!!

maverickandlove said...

her pink hair and those red lips dont go to well together, u feel like it doesnt compliment the type of person she is. the darker hair makes her look kind of older- but deifnitly more sophisticated. i like her in her blonde hair from the notebook.

Anonymous said...

i remember when she did this and i was crushed. i think there are ways to pull this off, but her make-up choices weren't too stellar. it is a fun way to mix things up though...

maverickandlove said...

no she's not a blogger, she just a good friend of mine, but maybe shell decide to start one!

Fashionista Diary said...

mhh to be honest i really dont like the pink! the brunette style suited her a lot better! xo

WendyB said...

I didn't think she was able to carry off the pink. She's so beautiful but not in an edgy kind of way like Gwen S.


Love the second look so much more!


Sienna said...

I love Rachel no matter what! Great links??

Tricia said...

I really understand her compulsion to change her hair and look - I'm addicted to this! of course, not every style is going to be the best for you...

GangStarr Girl said...

I like the pink hair and I think she is channeling '90s Gwen. I love anything edgy and unconventional so I hope she changes her hair color to something outrageous as much as possible.

P.S. The pink hair is also very Jem and The Holograms. Luvs it.

Christina said...

I think it looks pretty terrible.
She is so beautiful why would she do this?

Christina said...

I think it looks pretty terrible.
She is so beautiful why would she do this?

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful but I'm not loving this pink hair at all!

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

pink is not for her!!yuck!

Unknown said...

What do you mean with channeling? It's like copying?
Well, I like to see pink hair on blond girls!

Always In Style said...

Joana - Yep, channeling is kind of like copying...and I like pink hair too, I'm just not sure I like this version of it.

Anna Pope said...

I like it but I always find her adorable.

Ev'Yan || apricot tea. said...

I adore her pink hair. :]

& I am overjoyed that they are back together!