Friday, August 8, 2008

What I Really Want: Agate Necklaces


(photo via Don Van Dyke on Flickr)

I've had these really strange obsession with agate lately. When the "craving" first struck I shuffled off to eBay but came up with a bunch of ticky tacky pendants that looked like they should be collecting dust in some tiny nature preserve gift shop.

I found some nice options on Etsy and Supermarket and though these were perfectly lovely, my appetite continued.

Thanks to a serendipitous turn of events (actually an unrelated Google alert email - thanks guys!) I stumbled upon a blog called Oh Joy!...boy, oh joy indeed.

Turns out it's author and I are obsessed-with-agate twins. Her brilliant find? A site called Stone & Honey.

Just look at these sweet-as-honey finds:



Tricia said...

wow, those are so unusual and striking, love them!

Sharon said...

Oh very nice indeed-so unique and unusual!!

Siljesfashion said...

Very beautiful. LOVE the blue one!

Anonymous said...

wow, these are all stunning. i particularly love the burnt orange colored one!

WendyB said...

Funny, I'm just finishing up an agate necklace that looks like a cave with a bat in it. Nothing to do with Batman, I swear.

WendyB said...

Re your comment on my blog, thank you so much about the Boleyn! I'm psyched!

Shopping's My said...

ah yes...saw them, loved them...really lovely! and so reasonably priced, too!

Bluukbob said...

wow, those necklaces are amazing!they are so unique!!

thanks so much for this post!
and i love your blog!!

hey, want to exchange links?