Friday, August 1, 2008

What I Want To Look Like Right Now: Me


Housecleaning has its advantages. Last weekend I came across some old photographs and found this.

Yep, dear readers, that little mop topped creature is me. What I find most interesting about this shot is that my style really hasn’t changed in over 30 years (nor have my chubby thighs). I still adore ruffles, plaid, and oxfords, and if my hair would behave, I’d rock that fringe all over again.

Determined to channel my 4 year old self I found these:



Both from Forever 21


I'd wear these with a cute pair of jeans or a pencil skirt. From TopShop


Who does retro 70s better than Marc?


And an actual honest-to-goodness pair from that time period. I might have to make these mine on eBay.

And on a final note. I’m not sure what disturbs me more; the fact that I would wear the exact same outfit today, or that my style peaked in 1971.


Anonymous said...

haha you were absolutely adorable!!! funny enough, i often take inspiration from photos of me when i was nearly a toddler. flowy dresses, earthy sandals...who would have thought!

Renaissance Woman said...

So funny! I have asked myself the same question many times.

Kat said...

Haha, its amazing what can inspire us!
Love that Topshop blazer and those Marc shoes.

ifyouonlyknew said...

Absolutely adorable ;) I would so sport that look just the way it is... now if only i could find a short sassy plaid romper like that ;)

PS. added u to my roll call and sweet style online-zine (always instlye)


Elizabeth said...

Pretty darn adorable.

Abbey said...

I love it when you find pictures of you when you were younger, especially when your clothes are as inspiring as this!

Anna Pope said...

That photo is too cute. And so is that second shirt, I love plaid!

Sharon said...

How cute are you!! Fashion is such a cycle, there was you making your style statement all those years ago, only to report on it now, haha!!

Siljesfashion said...

How cute, you look adorable!! Love this style, and I think its fun you would wear it again.

Christina said...

Awww so cute! I love the shoes and the plaid!

miss vintage love said...

That is the cutest photo!

Amber Nofetari said...

you were so darn cute ! we were all pretty fly as kids (thanks to our parents) when I was a little girl my twin sister and I had every candy colored sneaker and matching jacket on the planet. it was the cutest thing hehe !


Oh what a sweet girl! Love your outfit and picks now :-)


Jessica said...

ohh this is so cute !

Top bird said...

Oh look at you - nicely developed sense of style at the age of four! I'd totally wear your little outfit right now. xx

Fashion Tidbits said...

you were unbelievably cute!

Tricia said...

adorable! and is that a girl snoopy doll??

Always In Style said...

Hmmm...I'm not sure if it was a girl...I did love it though!