Friday, July 18, 2008

What I Want To Look Like Today: Earth Mother

My outfits run the gamut from edgy goth girl to retro to preppy...I can't help it, clothes are just so beautiful to me. In keeping with my nature theme for the day, I'm channeling some haute hippie princess.

These pieces, all by Antik Batik, and would fit the bill:


So perfect in this you-could-fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk heat.


The quintessential wrap when the sun goes down, this drapey cardi has got me covered.


Yeah, I know, ANOTHER gladiator you say? This one stands out with it's multi-colored metallic beads.


Because even though I'm feeling a tad earthy, I still want to keep true to my 80s Jersey roots. This bag reminds me of Bon Jovi, circa 1985.

Find them all at ShopBop.


Lauren said...

great picks! def agree about the first dress - it is best for this middle of the summer heat!

Anna Pope said...

I'm not a huge fan of fringe, but that bag is amazing!

Sharon said...

The sandals and the bag are really gorgeous!!

Jessica said...

whoa, im totally feeling the look. Those outfits are too cute ! I love the shoes she is wearing on the first outfit.
Great post


Tricia said...

i want that fringe bag and the long cardi!

Fab Over 40 said...

LOVE the sandals!

Mónica said...

I have been looking for a bag like that since four months ago! but I couldn't find any... so sad:(

NICOLE said...

i love the top 2 looks and i really adore those shoes...veryy niice

WendyB said...

I'm an '80s Jersey girl too.

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

I love everything you show us in this post, above all the first look prosed cause i'm redheaded as the model and i love the way she wears the dress-top.


Anonymous said...

nice choices, the fringe bag is especially cool

Unknown said...

omg i'm loving those gladiator sandals!

Ida said...

Adorable picks. I would wear every single item so gladly. Looks like wrap cardigans are very in.