Thursday, July 17, 2008

She's Like A Rainbow

I’m Deep and Bright.

[Inserts tongue firmly into cheek here] If you’re a loyal reader of this blog you already know this.

But what you may not already know is – these actually refer to my personal best color palettes – namely deep rich burgundy and purple hues or citrusy brights and electric blues.

How do I know this? Doris Pooser told me. A beauty and style expert extraordinaire, Doris has been helping people look and feel their best for 25 years. Her Always(InStyle)® Personal Profiles™ pinpoint your best Colors, clothing Bodyline, and Style, and shows you exactly how to work these things to your advantage.

Each Profile comes complete with your own product collections, or personal shop if you will, updated weekly, so you’ll always get the latest batch of goodies in your most flattering shades and silhouettes. While you’re there, you can also get Hair, Skin, Fragrance, and Aromatherapy advice so you can not only look great but feel that way too.

I recently put Doris’ theories into practice (strictly for research purposes, I assure you) and scored these deliciously bright frocks:


From left to right: See by Chloe, Nation Ltd., A Common Thread, Diane Von Furstenberg

These colors just make my heart sing. Aren’t you the least bit curious what your best colors are? Register now to find out!


Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola said...

Sounds interesting and i wanna try on! Thanks for advice it.

Tricia said...

that orange dress is to die for!

Always In Style said...

Thanks Herald -- Hautelook is a beautiful thing :-D

we wear things said...

i think i need to add some color into my wardrobe...

Sharon said...

These are gorgeous colours-I love plain brights!!