When my dear friend George told me at the beginning of this season's Project Runway that one of the designers reminded him of me (style-wise) I knew immediately who he meant.
Say what you will about Kenley's "bag of '50's style dresses" or snarky 'tude - she totally works that retro rockabilly look - and makes it her own. The dark hair, red lips, and flowers in her hair? I totally get it.
When I found this really cute hair clip on Breakdown Bettie I placed an order immediately.
I think my style doppelganger would approve. What do you think?
i totally love it! i just purchased a recent item this weekend (but it's on a long piece of black lace with a bright purple thing on it) and it totally reminded me of the snarky Kenley!
I love how Kenley dressed but ironically, I didn't like her designs on project runway!
Hi there-this clip is really lovely, a great find!
Wait, she can't be your style twin because then that would make us triplets! ; P
I do love how she works in the bit of rockabilly without being way too costumey - she puts her spin on it. I really wanted to like her, but her attitude and behavior are kind of making me admire her from a far distance.
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