Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today's Not Just Any Old Day

When I heard about Not Just Any Old Day I knew that I had to share it with you.

The idea is brilliant: a calendar charm fashioned in Sterling Silver with a sparkling gemstone to commemorate that special day in your life: marrying the man of your dreams, giving birth to the future President of the United States, celebrating the season premier of Dexter: whatever floats your boat.


Check them out here!


Sharon said...

Hi there-oh, very unique and special, I love it!

Elizabeth said...

That's a great idea.

lev_i_mote said...

soo cute!


Milly said...

different...great idea

Tricia said...

what a great ideA! I think i'd want to get at least two.

Anna Pope said...

Such a beautiful idea!

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

I LOVE this one. Great find!