My Netflix addiction strikes again. Last night I watched Hitchcock's Dial M For Murder for the first time, and beside being a thumping great movie, it was a crash course on style quality over quantity.
What do I mean?
Unlike today's starlets who go through hundreds of wardrobe changes in a single movie, concert, appearance, etc. (thank you product placement folks) Grace Kelly's handful of ladylike outfits and bright red lips was eons beyond every wanna-be-celeb-du-jour.
I was especially taken with her fab lacy red dress while the mink stole just sealed the deal for me. I want to look like that right now.
If you loved that, get "Rear Window," and revel in the costume lushness.
She looks amazing. I'll have to check out that movie!
I agree with enc, with Rear Window. She looks stunning in that movie as well. I just adore Grace Kelly, about as much as I adore Alfred Hitchcock movies. (I just got done watching Vertigo.)
Rear Window! With the cute suitcase scene! Grace Kelly is elegance and sexy personified. And Dial M shouldn't be missed either.
i LOVE all old movies! thanks for stopping by my blog. xo
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