Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Boot Obsession Continues

Hello lover.

Yeah, I did just quote a fictionalized cable tv character -- but look at these babies.


Available at Neiman Marcus: the Alberto Fermani knee high boot. You'd think the designer would come up with a far lovelier name for such buckled up perfection. I'll overlook it this time.

If you buy them now, Neiman's will even throw in a set of designer illustrated notecards.

Who's with me?!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

the detailing on these boots leaves me speechless. they're really incredible. as for the loeffler randall boots you requested, here are the two stories i did on them. i never bought them, but found a really similar vintage pair!

Always In Style said...

Thanks Emily - you're the best!

Sharon said...

Hi there-I agree-very gorgeous indeed!!

Angela said...

love the detail. i would wear it with simple outfits.

S said...

I love girls with nice boots!

Jessie said...

These are absolutely fantastic!

That's what I call a BOOT!

Anonymous said...


these look like something keira would have worn in the Duchess if she were to enact it today!!!!!!

they are beautiful

and people, you should totally see the movie

please do a post about this movie's costumes!!

they're beautiful

Elizabeth said...

Hilarious! You and I posted the same boot on the same day.

Nice one!

Anna Pope said...

Wow, they really are amazing!

lilliebe said...

YUM! They're divine.
By the way I linked you - link me back? x