Monday, September 22, 2008

Would You Spend $1,000 For Moisturizer?


New, from La Prairie, a skin cream that purports to "recharge the skin's electrical balance," protect "the skin's DNA," and, oh yeah, keep skin hydrated.


Barring Cindy McCain and the masters of the universe that ran Lehman Brothers into the ground, who can afford this stuff in our economy?

I mean really, you could fill up your gas tank a half a dozen times for that amount.

If you've got the Benjamins then get yourself to Saks before the Closing Bell.


Sharon said...

Oh darn it, I'm on my private jet to Mustique-maybe when I get back dahling!!

Always In Style said...

LOL. *air kisses* Sharon!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

even if i had this kind of money, i would never spend it on such extravagant things!

K.Line said...

The gas tank fill up comment is hilarious! In a zillion years I wouldn't spend a grand on face cream. Hell, for that money I'm getting proper "procedures" :-)

PS: When I was younger I did buy the regular $200 kind. Yeah, 28 and buying chichi antiaging moisturizer. And I have super oily skin so it was like slopping olive oil onto a slick face. Insane, I know. But I am a potion girl from the word go. And the marketing sucked me in. Briefly.

WendyB said...

Never. I'd spend the money on Botox and Restylane for real results.

Always In Style said...

You guys are completely cracking me up. Thanks!

Elizabeth said...

There's no way in the world I'd ever spend that much for moisturizer. Studies show they don't have much effect anyway.

Top bird said...

Holy moley, that's insane. Not only would I never buy it, I don't buy their claims, either.

Anonymous said...

I just have to be frank:

Hell No! My god, $1,000 for moisturizer?!?!! That little jar of cream better cook dinner, solve crime & melt away imperfections on my skin INSTANTLY for that bloody price. That's insane!

(& this is especially crazy because I'm a tightwad, so I guess I shouldn't talk!)

DINKS said...

You forgot to mention "OR 25 bottles of $40 of Bling H20!"'re right, we are posting geniuses today :)

Tricia said...

you said it, no effing way! and yes, it's not the best time to be launching this product!

Belowen said...

Oh dear... I'm going to have to say no on this one. Not only is that waaaay out of my price range, but I can imagine my sensitive skin reacting kind of badly to this product, lol.

Fab Over 40 said...

I think anyone who buys that is not in touch with reality!