Thursday, September 11, 2008

Preorder Patricia Field From HSN

If you fancy yourself a "Carrie" then you may want to head on over to HSN tout suite. The Home Shopping Network is now taking preorders for Pat Field's "Destination Style New York" collection. It's a limited edition collection, so you know the drill.

Here's my pick for this week:

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A trench is always in style, but a fab black swingy one? Get outta my way girls.

It looks like HSN is breaking down the preorder in phases. Next week this baby comes up and I'm pretty certain I'm going to make it mine:

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All joking aside, limited edition items are always hard to get but add that to a site where thousands of completely addicted home shoppers visit several times a day and the whole collection is bound to disappear in a New York minute.

Go. Now.


Couture Carrie said...

That trench is PERfect!


Anonymous said...

I used to run into Patricia Field alll the time when i was living in NYC! she is so freakin' cool :) the first few times i didn't even know who she was, we just had the same hair color (neon red...crazy back then) and THEN i found out and was like daaaaang! haha...

Unrelated, i have a surprise for you. I keep my word ;)

Anonymous said...

that trench is classic, chic and it! plus her hair is equally as amazing.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I'm quite excited about this, as I'm pretty sure this is her collection she is doing in collaberation with Marks and Spencer here in the UK too. I read we shall have it from 16 October, can't wait to see!!

Unknown said...

that trench is wonderful! thanks for posting about that...i want to buy one.