Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Diane von Furstenberg For President

Sure she's a fashion designer extraordinaire, a business woman par excellence, and the president of the CFDA but that hasn't prevented DVF from creating an illustrated book entitled Be the Wonder Woman You Can Be, Featuring the Adventures of Diva, Viva & Fifa.

With all of that girl power goodness I say nevermind the CFDA - vote DVF for the next President of The United States.

Quite frankly, I'd far prefer Ms. von Furstenberg in the White House rather than our current not-so-friendly-female alternative. I'm pretty sure even Joe Sixpack and Lipstick Hockey Moms would approve.

Photo via Racked.


Anonymous said...

She's got my vote!!! (And so do you - as her VP!)

Elizabeth said...

I'm with you. On ALL counts.

Sharon said...

Hi there-she does look like a force to be reckoned with!!