Determined to produce evidence that women don’t get older they get better I dug up these treasures:
Oy, the hair (methinks I know where Carrie’s lost Manolos ended up), the style (or lack thereof)…please, basta already! Granted, it was the '80s, and everybody was doing it, but just look at what a difference flattering hair and makeup make. I heart Sarah, funny hats and all, but I do love her best in classic ladylike looks that suits her to a tee.
Trying to dig up old photos of Cynthia Nixon on the internet is like trying to get George Dubya to admit he was wrong – nearly impossible. Cyn must have a friend at Google that has managed to hide every embarrassing photo of her ever taken. I did find this shot of her as a young girl which I must admit is pretty cute (I rocked the braid-y thing back in the day too) but just look at the tall drink of deliciousness she has morphed into. My personal pick for best dressed on the SATC red carpet. (Breaking news: wouldn't ya know that as soon as I upload these pics, I find an even better one from Cynthia's past) And yes, I rocked this look too:

Undoubtedly Kim Cattrall has been the star in many a young boy’s fantasies since Porky’s hit the big screen but is it me or does that dusty pink sheath and vava vavoom curves make her look eminently more drool-worthy?
While each of the gals has gotten better with age – the exception is Kristin Davis who miraculously looks EXACTLY as she did when she first appeared on Melrose Place over a decade ago. With her skin so perfectly preserved I am convinced her beauty products contain embalming fluid. Not. Fair. At. All.
Not that we don't know many men get better with age, but have you seen Jason Mewes (Jay of Jay & Silent Bob) lately??? Boy looks GOOOOOD
Right on -- he does look better all growed up, thanks for the link!
Great post.
I love their transformation.
yeah what is up w Kristin Davis? she has not aged! something's up w this kid.... can somebody unearth her birth certificate bec she may be 200 yo and we don;t know it.
I like this post. It's amazing that Kristen looks exactly the same.
From geek to chic! I love it!
Thanks for the advice on Mia, I've read great things about her as well. Soon after you left your comment, the other stylist told me that she didn't have any time for me so I reached out to Mia and she is able to accommodate my date. Must be fate!
Wonderful post and I am impressed with Kristen... She looks the same.
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