Friday, November 7, 2008

Help Me Decide: DIY Fendi, Hot or Not?

Don't get me wrong...I love a DIY project as much as the next gal but something just doesn't sit right with me on this one.

Behold, the Paint Your Own Fendi Baguette from eLuxury. Yes folks, for $1300 smackers you too can get a coated canvas bag and a set of 10 Pantone Universe markers to scribble your way for all fashionable posterity.

$1300 bucks really? Are there socialites out there who become so unhinged by the thought of setting foot in a craft or thrift store that they need to spring for a homemade Fendi to flaunt their mad art skills?

Actually, the funniest part about this is the disclaimer on the ad: "only returnable in original condition." Yeah, I suppose "I Heart Dexter" in scripty curly-que font and glitter accents has a very limited audience.

Please help me decide, the DIY Fendi Baguette, hot or not?


WendyB said...

Amusing idea, but I'd rather buy my purses already finished.

Meg said...

For $10? Awesome.

For $1300? It should come with a semester of art classes.

elanatheone said...

I'm going to say its "hot", but only if you have good design skills. Crappy drawers can't touch this bag with a marker! The price tag is so high anyway. -ebay fashion addict

Songy said...

Interesting but I'd rather get someone to do it for me at that price. :P

Elizabeth said...

It's a bit rich for my blood. But I bet it'll sell out.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I agree with WendyB, for the price!!

Annie Spandex said...

Lol, Meg is right.

John Gascot said...

That is the stupidest idea.

And I'm an artist.

John Gascot said...

OH! And btw, I'd be more than willing to add a shoulder strap to any of my paintings should any of you ladies be interested. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with Meg! I wouldn't want to pay the big bucks for something I can do with a canvas tote from the craftstore..

Amber Nofetari said...

Lmao! Yikes that's a definite nay!

Anna Pope said...

The idea sounds fun but overall it is not hot.

JGeb said...

Ridiculous. I'm pretty sure I could do this myself for only $5

Tricia said...

crazy, really crazy. although i'd love some pantone markers!

Siljesfashion said...

I agree with Meg. Thats insane!