Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What I Really Want This Morning: A Cute Vintage Knit Vest

Though I'm a veteran eBayer I never fail to get that deliriously giddy feeling every time I stumble upon a cool vintage seller.

While trolling the site this morning I came across this retro fabulous vest by Sally Jane Vintage, it's so fab I had to share it immediately.

The styling opportunities are limitless with this number...from girly to punk and everything in between - I'm in love.

For more stylish inspiration check out her store here.


WendyB said...

Very cute....good find.

Anonymous said...

This is cute, but I certainly couldn't pull it off...

Anonymous said...

100% adorable.

LRB said...

Omg, I used to have that vest from Esprit, like ages, ages ago...If I still had it, would try to rock it.

Sharon said...

Hi there-this is really cute, I like it!!