Monday, November 3, 2008

Splurge or Save: Which Boot Do You Want?


Happy Monday kiddies!

Let's play a game. Can you tell me which of these tall drinks of amber deliciousness is the splurge and which is the save?

Bonus points if you can name the designers.

You won't win anything other than my unwavering admiration and a chance to flaunt your mad shopping skills.

Let's hear it...I'll post the details about both later.


WendyB said...

Neither! Too flat!

K.Line said...

I prefer the ones on the left (better colour and heel) but I think the ones on the right are the splurge.

Anonymous said...

I think the splurge is the one on the right; & the save is the one on the left. :]

Tricia said...

this is a tough one, but i think the right is splurge? Although the color kind of throws me..

Sharon said...

Hi there-I think the splurge is the right one? Or the left one? Haha, everyone will want to buy the cheaper pair if they are so similiar!!