Monday, November 3, 2008

Ta Da...The Results Are In.

Thanks to all who participated in my splurge or save game from this morning.

Bet you couldn't wait to find out the details...I know I couldn't believe my eyes when I found out what they were:


First up is the "save" option, the BCBG Petler boot is a mere bag of shells, in other words, a sensibly priced $179. Find it at Endless.


The second lust-worthy option? Loeffler Randall's Matilde boot which rings up at $695. If you've got the spare change laying around snag it at Shopbop.

So my next question these prices sway your decision about which one you'd like?!


Anonymous said...

NO, because the leather of the expensive one was much nicer and looked better. The shoes is not my style so now I am saving a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

I knew it! The second boot seemed to have a more luxurious fabric (I'm assuming that's leather?) whereas the other one was nice, but just didn't seem to be made expensively.

Anonymous said...

Holy cats, yes. BCBG all the way. The LRs are nearly an entire month's mortgage payment!

K.Line said...

No, cuz I always preferred the steal. And, moreover, the steal is still fairly pricey. Which leads me to believe that they are both fairly equal in construction...

Lisa said...

Hmm for $695 I'd expect the boots to be really unique, not something simple I can find for a lower price. The BCBG ones are probably pretty decent quality already if they're $179.

Sharon said...

Hi there-the BCBG ones are really a great bargain, a fantastic alternative!

Songy said...

I wouldn't pay more than say 200 for a pair of boots. They both look suer though.